Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Where Sailboats Go.

This was written as I sat on a bench at the beach in Golden Gardens, Seattle, Washington. To those who haven't been here, it's a part of the ocean that is nestled in the mountains of Northwest Washington, and it almost feels like lakes and rivers, rather than the Pacific ocean.
Lori Goodrich Leaman departed this world today, after battling cancer. She has been a part of my life for what seems like the entirety of it. I played with her children when we were young, I took communion by her side, I saw her every week. Lori was the perfect example of who I want to be when I grow up.. A woman with full faith in God, who trusted and loved with her all her heart. My heart is broken today, and I miss her terribly. Read slowly, while listening to this song. Reflect and pray for Lori's husband, son and daughter, and all those that mourn for her. For those mourning the loss of this incredible woman, you are not alone.

I look to the ocean, but today it is not endless.
Behind it, forests, snowy mountains. The summer breeze caresses my tears down the sides of my face. Salty waves press against the rocks, brushing their rough edges with the gentle sand. The surface of the waves glitter and crash towards the shore.
And I am not alone.
She sits beside me, simple kisses from the sun to remind me she is there. Through the trees, like soft winks and whispers, sunlight rains. I am warm, everything inside me is warm. And for the first time in my life, the ocean doesn't seem endless.
I see the other side, and I will join one day.
The sixth of July, when pain is ceased and Home welcomes a new spirit. She is joy, she is faith. She is all that you asked of her, the good and faithful servant. So I walk to join her. I walk as far as I can, over rocks and sand. I want to be there, but I am stopped by the wind. My feet stay on the dry ground as I wave goodbye.
We rest where the sailboats go.
On the bridge with the others, the fishermen wait with me, as the sun yearns for the west. There are smiles on all their faces, because we know one day we will follow.
Into the west.

1 comment:

Christopher Seal said...

Beautiful writing. You are such a poet.