Sunday, June 28, 2009

D.A.'s and Projectile Vomit

Oh goodness, this was a silly week. I am exhausted!

I like little things like this. It was a cute little bug that looked like a leaf! "Quick! Take a picture before he LEAVEs!"

Peanut Butter faceee! Shims and I had our faces painted with peanut butter and the kids threw M&Ms at us. Yeah, I totally won.


Card tower building. Yeah, we weren't very good at it.

This is our director, yoyo-ing while driving the Magic Carpet. He's so good at that whole safety thing.

Mikayla my BABYYYYY. I did Primaries this week (Which instead of my usual 9-12 year olds, I took care of 7 and 8 year olds for half the week). Mikayla was such a freakin cutie. Ah.

Field gamesss happiness.

We like to make small children eat with no hands sometimes.

Ahh the counselor hunt this week was so ridiculous. I got second place!

This is what we like to call a Camp Tan. Dirt, ohhhh yeah.

PS I love camp so much. Ah.

1 comment:

Moorea Seal said...

man, your updates on life at camp make me so happy. i am so glad you did camp this summer. <3 i feel like you would be an incredible mentor and leader.