Saturday, May 30, 2009

I Simply Remember My Favorite Things

To view more of my favorite things, go here.

These are a few of my favorite things:
1. Making paper cranes with prayers in them for other people.
2. Being fully submersed under water for a split second. I used to hate hate hate water, but I am getting better.
3. Watching people dive into water.
4. When dads take their child out to dinner at Sushi Q.
5. Natural light in my bedroom.
6. Well worn sweatshirts.
7. Warm cookies that just came out of the oven.
8. Appreciating things that deserve it.
9. I like not saying I love you right now.
10. When people do thoughtful things for me.. I'm a simple creature.

Question of the blog:
What is one thing that you did today that you just love doing?

1 comment:

Symone said...

I love watching movies, and I went to the theater. It was a blast, and I am so glad I did it. It was a distraction from my everyday life.

PS: I love ya, Z.