Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wooden Bracelets Will Be The Death Of Me

Have you ever been confronted with an experience where you thought that things would never be the same after? Whether it's physical, or emotional, or whatever, I KNOW you have. Know it. Here was my adventure over Christmas break, which is still peeling and dry and red.
What is this, you may ask? Well, my friends, let me tell you that two little wooden bangles DESTROYED my arm. Awesome. I wore these pretty bracelets and the next morning I woke up with hives in the exact forms of them. For those who don't know, hives and I, we have a history. After being bitten by a bug in Nicaragua, I had chronic hives for like 9 months after. This was the first time I've had hives in a long time, but I know how to deal with it, so I did as I always do. The next day they started blistering. GROSS. The next day it was even worse, all over my arm. GROOOOSSSSS. Isn't it just great when you are repulsed by your own being and can't do anything about it?!?! Sheesh. It is now January 9th, and a steroid cream and bandages and such as later, my arm is still weird looking.
Back to my first statement, I am sort of worried my arm will get a scar from this. Worst of all, I won't even have a cool story to go with it!

Question of the blog:
What is one of your greatest scars on your body? And are you the type of person to hide things like that, or show them off?

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