Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Moment Of Childhoodedness

I live in a town that is about 45 minutes from the nearest shopping mall. Kids in my town call it a "trip" to the mall, or even to In N Out. When I was younger, I felt so left out when I couldn't go to the mall every weekend, because that was cool on Disney shows. But now that I am older, I sort of have a new opinion on shopping malls and the populars.
Even now, as I go to the mall to buy glasses or spend a gift certificate, I feel like I'm not one of "them". Oh, you know who I'm talking about.. Mall girls! (Not to be confused with call girls.) But really. Those girls at the mall that give you the look down because you're not wearing the shortest skirt, and you're looking in the sale rack. As a kid, I was mortified when I was seen wearing something deemed "unstylish" by the popular girls.
The other day, though, as I walked around the mall, I had sort of a revelation. I am so glad I am not comfortable here. I am so glad I am not a mall girl. I am a dirt loving, camp song singing, river swimming, unstyled hair, Nevada City girl. I always have been, and I am so blessed to know that today, and not have insecurity or uncertainty that I am not the prettiest, most up kept girl.
Sort of a childish moment in my life, but I just sort of needed that humble moment. I am so glad I was raised here, 45 minutes away from the nearest mall. Salute my shorts!


miles b. said...

"I am a dirt loving, camp song singing, river swimming, unstyled hair, Nevada City girl."

this is awesome.

Christopher Seal said...

I love that