Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wittle Bebe

(One of my cabins this summer. Such spunky little girls)

Today was my first day at Bible Study Fellowship, and guess who I saw? The mother of one of my FAVORITE CAMPERS OF ALL SUMMER. Lily. Oh my gosh. Made me so happy I wanted to cry. I miss camp, I miss my little babies. Love love love miss miss miss.
This is my girl moment for the day, get over it.
When I went up and said hi, I said, "I don't know if you remember me, but I was Lily's counselor at Wolf Mountain this summer!" She got so excited and said, "STARDUST! I don't even know your real name and I'll probably just call you Stardust! Lily got your letter, you're such a blessing! She misses you."
I'll be honest, I got in my car and my eyes were very teary. I didn't cry, I promise.
I miss my wittle bebes and being called Stardust.

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